path: root/PKGBUILD
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-03-10Updated version (20160307.r11.g9a72440 -> 20160307.r35.g14f71c1).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (14f71c1) Merge pull request #3644 from fluffyfreak/randomColourCpp (1f614de) Merge pull request #3605 from impaktor/invisible_button (b6d8959) Merge pull request #3647 from fluffyfreak/vector3-changes (eeec5eb) Merge branch 'master' of into vector3-changes (63de1ba) Update Changelog.txt (8d224d4) Merge pull request #3646 from fluffyfreak/vector2-template (e14d2c2) Update Changelog.txt (d7b50f3) Merge branch 'master' of into vector2-template (cdc5f40) Merge pull request #3645 from fluffyfreak/little-fixes (64a02cc) Provide missing vector3 accessors and useful swizzle functions. (a669e92) Change vector2 to be a template class with float and double types. (e562b41) Fix rare crash. (e9e31c2) Remove the local/static Random _rng and pass one into GetColors each time. (4c480a6) Add Nathan Jones to AUTHORS.txt and at bottom as an acknowledgement of his CSharp source I used for porting. (f387af4) Linux build fix. (def2617) Linux fix (c98b522) Use within ModelViewer and provide button so user can easily change colours (ab0fbac) Getting the licenses correct and providing porting and origin description. (453d68e) Provide simple accessor to ModelSkin colours so ModelViewer can display them. (2ffa404) ModelSkin uses RandomColor instead of manual picking method (6e60ce6) RandomColor and Range classes added to VS2015 solution (e4f2ea7) Use Hide() on Buy/Sell buttons in Commodity market (9a74acf) Introduce a Hidden() method to disable buttons, and not show any gray out or border (26b3817)
2016-03-09Updated version (20160307.r0.g33328ed -> 20160307.r11.g9a72440).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Changelog updated (9a72440) Merge pull request #3643 from impaktor/remove_redundant_luabuttonapi (7525877) Remove redundant LuaAPI function for Disable/Enable buttons. (6ba327e) Update Changelog.txt (72197d7) Merge pull request #3641 from nozmajner/bowfin (9a7f4b1) Merge pull request #3642 from nozmajner/kanara-resize (4a015a0) auto-commit: translation updates (7918665) Updating ship stats for new size. (681ce23) Adding normal map (f8d4da7) Updating the size of the Kanara (also updating .model files for normal map) (70a8a43) Adding Bowfin fighter for Kaluri/CIW (d3912f4)
2016-03-07Updated version (20160303.r9.g33328ed -> 20160307.r0.g33328ed).Tarn Burton
Changelog =========
2016-03-06Updated version (20160303.r0.ge288139 -> 20160303.r9.g33328ed).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (33328ed) Merge pull request #3640 from fluffyfreak/MV-stdout (1e533c0) Update Changelog.txt (739c625) Update Changelog.txt (c301d41) Merge pull request #3639 from nozmajner/statplanner (0f6c3ae) Split some output lines for better formatting (537894f) Redirect stdio output for errors and out to output.txt file (333b8cd) Fixing a typo on retro thrust writing an extra "2" on the end of the number, making it ten times more pwerful than it should be. (752c190) Ship stat planner addon for Blender. Exports ship.json with the same name as the .blend file, to the directory where the .blend file is. (8bf7089)
2016-03-03Updated version (20160225.r18.ge288139 -> 20160303.r0.ge288139).Tarn Burton
Changelog =========
2016-03-01Updated version (20160225.r12.g1f5dee9 -> 20160225.r18.ge288139).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (e288139) Update Changelog.txt (a12f420) Merge pull request #3634 from fluffyfreak/lua_player_nil_targets (6e97f85) Merge pull request #3633 from fluffyfreak/quick-fix-gun-tags (e661e82) Ability to set Combat and Nav targets to null validly. (85422f7) A more flexible use of tag_gun_ to support any number of gun mount points. (000fd6c)
2016-02-29Updated version (20160225.r3.g4ed2661 -> 20160225.r12.g1f5dee9).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (1f5dee9) Merge pull request #3632 from fluffyfreak/fix-core-dump-3631 (83bdefe) Only get the SystemBody pointer on system bodies and NOT on ships. (8aabc8a) Update Changelog.txt (a219873) Merge pull request #3629 from fluffyfreak/moar_profiling (b74e910) Actually set the bodyIndex for homeworld system path based on which parent has the most stations. Added an export faction to lua function so that I didn't have to write them all by hand. (7e3888a) Remove the autogeneration script and re-export the factions. Saves 1/5th of loading time on a fast PC. (0843daa) Profile game startup with OpenGL error checking disabled. (2b0d0aa) Additional profiling (4550d08)
2016-02-27Updated version (20160225.r0.g884cee5 -> 20160225.r3.g4ed2661).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (4ed2661) Merge pull request #3628 from fluffyfreak/BVH (a180475) Cleanup a few pieces (3bc2665)
2016-02-26Updated version (20160221.r13.g884cee5 -> 20160225.r0.g884cee5).AUR Update Bot
Changelog =========
2016-02-21version updateTarn Burton
2016-02-18Updated version (20160214.r6.gc3f0abc -> 20160214.r7.gd3eb57e).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (d3eb57e)
2016-02-17Updated version (20160214.r5.g4cd781c -> 20160214.r6.gc3f0abc).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (c3f0abc)
2016-02-17Updated version (20160214.r1.gb15e8e7 -> 20160214.r5.g4cd781c).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Update changelog (4cd781c) Merge pull request #3621 from clausimu/SAR_partial_missions_fix (baa3db0) auto-commit: translation updates (9b1a7f7) fix partial mission completion (921bda5)
2016-02-15Updated version (20160211.r6.gb61a4ef -> 20160214.r1.gb15e8e7).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (b15e8e7)
2016-02-12Updated version (20160211.r5.g952a0e2 -> 20160211.r6.gb61a4ef).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (b61a4ef)
2016-02-11Updated version (20160205.r2.ge447077 -> 20160211.r5.g952a0e2).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (952a0e2) Merge pull request #3618 from salborrelli/esckey (8875873) Implemented ESC behavior on all tabs in Ship Information and Comms views (f4e3486) Implemented ESC behavior on all views related to Navigation and Star Maps (2274937) Implemented new ESC behavior in Flight UI and Comms > Bulletin Board > Activity Description Popup. (16925e2)
2016-02-10Updated version (20160205.r1.gb2c15f2 -> 20160205.r2.ge447077).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (e447077)
2016-02-09Updated version (20160205.r0.ga04366a -> 20160205.r1.gb2c15f2).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (b2c15f2)
2016-02-05Updated version (20160129.r9.ga04366a -> 20160205.r0.ga04366a).AUR Update Bot
Changelog =========
2016-02-01Updated version (20160129.r5.g5ededc2 -> 20160129.r9.ga04366a).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (a04366a) Merge pull request #3617 from clausimu/Character_Ship_Import_Fix (3f1ed4b) import Character.lua (08456d2) remove unused import of Ship.lua (7356079)
2016-01-29Updated version (20160124.r0.g7883c50 -> 20160129.r5.g5ededc2).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (5ededc2) Update Changelog.txt (f32bdcb) Merge pull request #3615 from fluffyfreak/happy-new-year-2016 (edb28b3) MERRY HAPPY 2016 - older copyright notices (54fa606) MERRY HAPPY 2016 (fea5ac2) Merge branch 'spawn_police_probability_fix' (664e985) Fix number of police ships not being spawned in right amount (d4261c0) Update Changelog.txt (7aa9a2a) Merge pull request #3613 from fluffyfreak/vcache-warnings (e425ed4) Fix the vcacheopt type narrowing conversions that I caused. (50495fc) Update Changelog.txt (9fef2ff) Merge pull request #3612 from fluffyfreak/bad-jump-text (9ca2803) Merge pull request #3603 from robothauler/commodity_market_update (746c9f3) We fail to notice that the size has changed or needs to change. (563f43f) Update Changelog.txt (475e8aa) Merge pull request #3611 from fluffyfreak/text-layout-vbuffer (4ffe1d0) Rebuild the vbuffer if the vertex count doesn't match new and old text. (f5a4c33) auto-commit: translation updates (c10d555) Update Changelog.txt (7e6eb3f) Merge pull request #3608 from fluffyfreak/missing-text (f986199) Fix for missing or discoloured text, the buffer was not being updated if it existed. (9540a2c) Updated changelog (c9f2696) Merge pull request #3607 from clausimu/searchrescue_serlialization_fix (b0a0fac) fix serialization issue with aircontrol_chars (45c01da) Fix for #3602 and #3517 (320d94e)
2016-01-24Updated version (20160116.r43.g9253b9d -> 20160124.r0.g7883c50).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (7883c50)
2016-01-23Updated version (20160116.r33.gd21aeee -> 20160116.r43.g9253b9d).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (9253b9d) auto-commit: translation updates (724c466) Merge branch 'search-and-rescue-tweak' (b5aeef1) Merge branch 'searchrescue_tweak' of into search-and-rescue-tweak (17038ee) Update forgotten author, as mentioned in #3589 (bd1c787) fix merge conflicts (d93d3cc) further reduced ad frequency, refined some in-system planet missions to happen only on planets without stations (603e7f3) fixed timers, limited mission planets to planets without stations (357d3e2) fix incorrect payment system in mission screen (c658017) decrease frequency, gracefully discard ships, more detailed mission screen (83dd874)
2016-01-22Updated version (20160116.r16.gbf13499 -> 20160116.r33.gd21aeee).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (d21aeee) Update AUTHORS.txt (bdc157a) Merge pull request #3600 from christiank/christiank_master (e1350a4) Update Changelog.txt (a678327) Merge pull request #3599 from fluffyfreak/keep-buffers (ee61459) Moved the static s_AttribBufferMap into RendererOGL class. (1153ea1) Create a simple map of VertexBuffer objects and re-use them for all DrawTriangles calls. (1c98f10) Store a Circle and only create it once for each icon. (23ac06b) Eliminate some needless buffer recreation. (6a7d640) Fix #ifdef to allow compilation on various BSDs. (658d9ef) Use a TexturedQuad instead of DrawTriangles per-frame. (46035f4) Setup a TextureQuad from a VertexArray. (e65c4ed) Attempt to reduce the frequency that buffers, and TextLayouts specifically, are recreated. (a85048f) Setting vertex buffer size checking (022814a) Add static/dynamic hinting to FontTexture VertexBuffer usage. (327c8c2) Only update/created the buffer if necessary. (345160a) Add a not-equal to comparison as the default constructed one gets it wrong. (5017c76)
2016-01-19Updated version (20160116.r13.gafb0b02 -> 20160116.r16.gbf13499).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Fix typo in Barnard's system (bf13499) fix wrong bbs icon used in S&R (16e63e3) auto-commit: translation updates (e580131)
2016-01-19Updated version (20160116.r5.gfb0f619 -> 20160116.r13.gafb0b02).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (afb0b02) Merge pull request #3598 from robothauler/show_pattern (4f2e589) auto-commit: translation updates (bfeba1f) auto-commit: translation updates (cdd54d5) Show the correct pattern on the ship info screen (4d9d357) Update Changelog.txt (391e3dd) Merge pull request #3597 from fluffyfreak/dumbest-newbie-error (6f16a83) Missed off the brackets for a multiline "if" statement. (885f953)
2016-01-17Updated version (20160112.r14.g712d770 -> 20160116.r5.gfb0f619).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (fb0f619) Update Changelog.txt (300d2f5) Merge pull request #3594 from fluffyfreak/no-default-ctors (1ce0525) Somehow I missed these ctors earlier (76a7b4f) Remove the default constructors arguments for the TextureDescriptor class (422d753) Update Changelog.txt (98ca821) Merge pull request #3585 from fluffyfreak/indicies-32bit (4ac50e2) Merge pull request #3592 from fluffyfreak/sgm-fail-gracefully (74e434c) Merge pull request #3593 from fluffyfreak/chronotrigger (53a8acb) Rework slightly so that std::chrono is always used on __arm__ platforms to avoid x86 assembler! (fffd081) Added -std=c++11 to work with std::chrono (1748828) Fail-back to the model definition files with a warning when we hit a bad SGM file instead of throwing an exception. (3840126) Update Changelog.txt (44d6a6b) Merge pull request #3588 from fluffyfreak/fix-objview (c383e90) Update Changelog.txt (02732b9) Merge pull request #3591 from fluffyfreak/texture-desriptors (2d2e503) TextureDescriptor usage updated to fix off-by-one initialisation problems caused by anisotropic filtering feature. (960fc0c) Add option to use std::chrono for timing within profiler. (668b806) Always supply a light, avoid dereferencing invalid memory. (5b8bd69) Convert geometry to use 32-bit indices (2b8f8fa)
2016-01-16Updated version (20160112.r11.ge70aa39 -> 20160112.r14.g712d770).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (712d770) auto-commit: translation updates (1a8f02f) auto-commit: translation updates (856b321)
2016-01-14Updated version (20160106.r2.g35ecf86 -> 20160112.r11.ge70aa39).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (e70aa39) auto-commit: translation updates (af30bc8) auto-commit: translation updates (2eefafb) auto-commit: translation updates (b84dcb0) Update Changelog.txt (f8e70bc) Merge pull request #3586 from fluffyfreak/anisotropic (bf71b33) Store anisotropic filtering in the TextureDescriptor, UI etc don't need it. (ae56c02) Disable anisotropic filtering by default (71cae50) Update API doc strings for hyperjump func. (7056176) Update Changelog.txt (9da71dc) Merge pull request #3584 from nozmajner/barnards (2aad4b5) Enable toggling on/off of the Anisotropic filtering. (afa47ce) Enable anisotropic filtering of textures by default. (81cca46) Updating the Main Menu, so the Barnard's starting point doesn't put the player floating above the first planet, but to the orbital over the Gas giant. (0884e85) Updating the Barnard's star system with a couple of planets and settlements. Small system compared to Sol, good for learning navigation. (f38b1d8)
2016-01-08Updated version (20160106.r1.g4cef8e2 -> 20160106.r2.g35ecf86).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (35ecf86)
2016-01-07Updated version (20151221.r43.g27fe3d8 -> 20160106.r1.g4cef8e2).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Remove dead strings, closes #3583 (4cef8e2)
2016-01-05Updated version (20151221.r40.gc1e2556 -> 20151221.r43.g27fe3d8).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Merge branch 'master' of (27fe3d8) Merge branch 'fix4elcapitan_extra' (a697861) Extra fixes to the xCode project for Mac OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) (c98367d)
2016-01-01Updated version (20151221.r39.gf331a0e -> 20151221.r40.gc1e2556).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (c1e2556)
2015-12-29Updated version (20151221.r24.g91123d7 -> 20151221.r39.gf331a0e).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (f331a0e) auto-commit: translation updates (b8bbb50) Update Changelog.txt (01c0971) Merge pull request #3578 from johnbartholomew/issue-3576-game-load-error-msg (cc18ae5) Update Changelog.txt (a76a441) Merge pull request #3575 from fluffyfreak/DetailLevel (1509926) Update Changelog.txt (9811a7a) Merge pull request #3577 from johnbartholomew/issue-3574-assert-on-max-planet-detail (57123c7) update changelog (19a5028) Merge pull request #3579 from salborrelli/fix4elcapitan (b1e8bcf) Fixed xCode project to deal with the problem of OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) not shipping the OpenSSL library anymore (1c8ec86) auto-commit: translation updates (bd5d574) remove incorrect assertion when creating GeoPatchContext. fixes #3574 (440725a) improve the error message when a save game cannot be opened (4353268) Make DetailLevel a class and initial all members by default. (de112e1)
2015-12-27Version bump and fix installation script.Tarn Burton
2015-12-26Added pioneer to conflictsTarn Burton
2015-12-26Bump versionTarn Burton
2015-12-25Bumped rel due to dependency changes.Tarn Burton
2015-12-25Updated .SRCINFOTarn Burton
2015-12-25Initial import.Tarn Burton