path: root/PKGBUILD
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-02-08Updated version (20161129.r67.g2ed74ddec -> 20161129.r69.ga68249572).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Add missing files to VS2015 project (a68249572) Make ship code modular (2013fae96)
2017-02-04Updated version (20161129.r57.g56552724b -> 20161129.r67.g2ed74ddec).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Disable the UI part of making quit confirmation optional (2ed74ddec) Merge branch 'limitAutopilotSpeedOnUI' (3128fe3e7) Merge branch 'limitAutopilotSpeedOnUI' of into limitAutopilotSpeedOnUI (3e8467b3a) Merge branch 'nozmajner-collision-landing-fixes' (ff139bc2f) Merge branch 'johnj-collision-landing-fixes' (e0c75cab3) Merge branch 'collision_landing_fixes' of into nozmajner-collision-landing-fixes (662319b99) Changing ship collision meshes to include a little extrusion to the bottom, for landing detection. Adding tag_landing to the ships that don't have it (Deneb, AC33/Venturestar). Updating station collision meshes: xxx_col has the actualy collision mesh, except the pad surfaces. xxx_docking has the pad tags and pad collision meshes, named accordingly. (e15bc11e6) Use tag_landing instead of Aabb (eeaf81a65) auto-commit: translation updates (d93473d7b) Add limits when using autopilot SetSpeed (d7b00ea09)
2017-01-22Updated version (20161129.r48.g4f0ce92cb -> 20161129.r57.g56552724b).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (56552724b) Merge branch 'toggle-cursor' (c06a4595c) Toggle cursor visibility based on mouse grab state (37ebf5300) Expose state of mouse grab (8c0b4bdf0) Update Changelog.txt (eb93f9dc6) Merge pull request #3904 from mike-f1/removeisplayership (e05d82593) Merge branch 'pirates_with_sharkteeth' (c7d8d7a18) remove IsPlayerShip from Ship (d2aab0530) Do not spawn unarmed pirates (a825e6728)
2017-01-07Updated version (20161129.r43.gf154e1f97 -> 20161129.r48.g4f0ce92cb).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (4f0ce92cb) Merge pull request #3899 from fluffyfreak/MERRY-HAPPY-2017 (0ce8f6d4e) Updated URL for spacesimcentral page (7b10f8f2f) MERRY HAPPY 2017 (d0f2939fe) MERRY HAPPY 2017 (74d50958f)
2017-01-04Updated version (20161129.r37.gc09981559 -> 20161129.r43.gf154e1f97).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (f154e1f97) Merge pull request #3897 from fluffyfreak/dont-billboard-gas-giant-textures (6167680ae) Update Changelog.txt (84655802c) Merge pull request #3898 from tomm/master (1660e6685) Correct and clarify a misleading comment (fd2340700) Use the gas giant textures RAW instead of Billboard. (353289088)
2016-12-30Updated version (20161129.r37.gc099815 -> 20161129.r37.gc09981559).AUR Update Bot
Changelog =========
2016-12-21Updated version (20161129.r34.g986677b -> 20161129.r37.gc099815).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (c099815) auto-commit: translation updates (93b5cf2) auto-commit: translation updates (03d84c0)
2016-12-19Updated version (20161129.r26.g50c362b -> 20161129.r34.g986677b).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (986677b) Update Changelog.txt (8dd1497) Merge pull request #3896 from impaktor/bad-joke (b6f31ef) Update Changelog.txt (3b88597) Merge pull request #3895 from jaj22/fix-intel-pointsprites (10fed3e) Keep quit confirmation messages modern and stylish (84fc8e8) auto-commit: translation updates (af7e336) Provide config flag and warning to work around Intel pointsprite bug (6f2cb35)
2016-12-14Updated version (20161129.r0.g0c423b2 -> 20161129.r26.g50c362b).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Use l:get when unserializing equipment (#3894) (50c362b) auto-commit: translation updates (587d2fd) auto-commit: translation updates (0d9e512) Check availability of translation string with l:get() (#3892) (fb82a69) auto-commit: translation updates (dc6323d) Merge branch 'opt-ui-labels' (9c6afef) Merge branch 'error-on-missing-translation' (db7b2a7) Merge branch 'opt-ui-labels' of into opt-ui-labels (aab0a17) Error on non-existing translations. (45a9ba6) Switch UI labels to dynamic VBs (dc06255) Update Changelog.txt (f9b5df6) Merge pull request #3884 from fluffyfreak/render-error-check (9068e06) Update Changelog.txt (1780837) Merge pull request #3885 from jaj22/fix-intel-trash (1e124eb) Set ImgUI shaders to version 140 to work around junk Intel drivers (93bf002) Error checking on new frames and rendering. (c4ada90) Avoid duplicated texture loading/memory, use the builtin renderer methods and not OpenGL directly. (1beb88a) Function and Line parameters no longer optional (7044a94) Use CheckRenderErrors instead of custom code. (f17de76) Update Changelog.txt (dc87b9e) Merge pull request #3883 from fluffyfreak/dds-decals (13a695e) heat_gradient pre-converted to dds (f52d67a) planet_billboard pre-converted to dds (aa59941) label3d pre-converted to dds (634d03e) Load dds instead of png for decals (1798c74) convert png decals to dds (8841401)
2016-12-02Updated version (20161110.r26.gcf0ed63 -> 20161129.r0.g0c423b2).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (0c423b2) Update Changelog.txt (3c14eac) Merge pull request #3880 from jaj22/fix-missing-buildings-sgm (463758e) Merge pull request #3879 from fluffyfreak/damned-gremlins (d264757) Fix undefined renderer bug in SGM LOD loader (4e1398d) Disabled the modelcompiler multithreading due to crash issues. (6ec572a) auto-commit: translation updates (c921e56) Update Changelog.txt (cbdc30e) Merge pull request #3878 from jaj22/opt-gui-allocs (57ad8db) Merge pull request #3877 from jaj22/opt-vb-init (ee9a3d5) Generalise the TextureFont reservation (52fa841) Reserve VA capacity correctly for Gui::TextLayout (7f16952) Invalidate buffers before rewriting (45cd3c1) Remove GL buffer init fills, add init checks (35d957e)
2016-11-25Updated version (20161110.r22.g42bb5b9 -> 20161110.r26.gcf0ed63).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (cf0ed63) Merge pull request #3876 from jaj22/fix-orphan-connections (7c20fce) auto-commit: translation updates (9b3cb3d) Fix orphaned connections in WorldView (31730c0)
2016-11-21Updated version (20161110.r6.g49fc16c -> 20161110.r22.g42bb5b9).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (42bb5b9) Merge pull request #3865 from clausimu/sar_fix_navbutton_crash (1ca1851) Merge pull request #3870 from senderghost/cflags (3a62980) Update Changelog.txt (9fc8b98) Merge pull request #3872 from jaj22/jitter-fix (a3ef7b5) Update Changelog.txt (2ef52f8) Merge pull request #3874 from fluffyfreak/fix3873 (662e3ea) Render the navlights for orbital stations as well! (e157b4d) auto-commit: translation updates (0ebe20d) auto-commit: translation updates (7340311) Merge branch 'master' of into jitter-fix (25e433c) Workaround for player ship label jittering in external view due to positioning at exact screen centre (1036e9e) Use interpolated coords in camera code, fixes rendering jitter and frame transition glitches for stations and small planets (22c80a0) Use common frames to increase accuracy of relative positions in large systems (35c03ac) Add GL_CFLAGS value to AM_CFLAGS (da4c164) fix navbutton crash without target (20ec399)
2016-11-13Updated version (20161110.r2.g15e9884 -> 20161110.r6.g49fc16c).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (49fc16c) auto-commit: translation updates (cdf27f1) auto-commit: translation updates (b8e2afb) auto-commit: translation updates (34924fe)
2016-11-10Updated version (20161028.r35.g63319aa -> 20161110.r2.g15e9884).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= FIx typo in station-docking language string (15e9884) auto-commit: translation updates (fa92b4e) Merge branch 'fix-isnan' (a56b11a) Prefix std:: to isnan (a2c7791) auto-commit: translation updates (040fd4e) auto-commit: translation updates (66de2db) Update changelog after 3 PR's merged (2f4d927) Merge pull request #3861 from laarmen/spacestation_fixes (08eefc9) Merge pull request #3863 from nozmajner/dockingfee (ca2b7fc) Merge pull request #3864 from robothauler/sell_fuel_fix (2864fef) Sell fuel fix (1ef8aaa) Changing station docking message to include only docking fee, since statins won't automatically refuel your ship. (e2e9aab) Merge pull request #3860 from impaktor/tabs_be_gone (c1777c8) Fix the recursive print thingy to better cope with unexpected values (40a7569) Add a few fail-early checks in the space station methods (b76760c) Ye, tabs be gone! (a99201b) Merge pull request #3859 from laarmen/fix_spacestation_lobby (b57d94a) Add missing return (a35acfe)
2016-11-06Updated version (20161028.r16.ga88517e -> 20161028.r35.g63319aa).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= No tabs in Changelog, breaks the parser for the website (63319aa) Update Changelog.txt (74d947f) Merge pull request #3857 from laarmen/fix_spacestation_lobby (f18824d) Merge pull request #3856 from fluffyfreak/custom-system-checking (63b9ff5) Merge pull request #3855 from clausimu/SAR_fix_pattern_selection (78937de) Merge pull request #3854 from ecraven/fix-zero-delta-t (cd0fb9c) Merge pull request #3853 from laarmen/serializer_crash (306cadd) Merge pull request #3851 from fluffyfreak/freebsd-patches (da38934) Make these asteroids tiny again, just not as tiny. (5c7d8c0) Lua debug function to insert a NULL ligtuserdata to crash-test Pioneer (c79dc10) Make the error a bit more useful when crashing in the serializer (38370a0) Lobby: Disconnect the property listeners when the docked station changes (487f373) Add asserts for NaN number in AICmdFlyAround (765c607) Try to fixup the data so that it isn't giving negative radius or masses. (984ea74) Added a positive only field Macro and added output logging when invalid parameters are passed. (0c377f1) fix pattern selection if no pattern present (36dddd9) Set delta-t to 1/60 if it is <= 0. (3b5a2d4) FreeBSD compilation fix backport (81ea61b) FreeBSD compilation fix backport (4a98d4a)
2016-11-05Updated version (20161028.r0.g43eaf37 -> 20161028.r16.ga88517e).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (a88517e) auto-commit: translation updates (b0609bc) auto-commit: translation updates (078f05c) auto-commit: translation updates (a7b6fe4) auto-commit: translation updates (9b7b165) Update Changelog.txt (f2f20ce) Merge pull request #3850 from fluffyfreak/update-attrib-bindings (639d48d) Correct documentation, e.g. vs i.e. (a05deeb) Merge branch 'throw_frontier_shackles_off' (fbb341d) call it radar also internally (d163b78) Rename "Scanner" -> "Radar" (250bfe2) call it target scanner also internally (e614650) Rename "radar mapper" to more logical "target scanner". (3aa1639) call it trade computer also internally (0222b3f) Rename "Trade analyzer" to "Trade Computer". (8b8da71) These attrib binding locations changed some time ago. Updating to match. Might be defunct? (91534e2)
2016-10-28Updated version (20161022.r3.g772371f -> 20161028.r0.g43eaf37).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (43eaf37) Merge pull request #3848 from robothauler/lobby_fix (da82ee8) Update Changelog.txt (972a738) Merge pull request #3849 from fluffyfreak/fix-instance-assert (5d4c433) Don't try to instance zero entries. (1b72620) Avoid crash if player jumps to next system (38fe810) Update Changelog.txt (069a6c9) Merge pull request #3847 from fluffyfreak/arm-asm-fix (ba3d38b) Merge pull request #3843 from ecraven/imgui-ini-path (a329c91) Merge pull request #3837 from robothauler/remove_autorefuel (dc32e0b) Merge pull request #3835 from robothauler/ship_selling_value (612657b) put imgui.ini into user config dir (c534001) Add brackets for USE_CHRONO check (24572ad) Alternatively, do not use the SMP thread profiling at all. (316b537) Add support for ARM64 and remove the last x86 asm from cpp file. (fef994e) Removed separate window (b74c332) Remove autorefuel (c716257) Calculate selling price including equipment (93fd5a7)
2016-10-26Updated version (20161015.r23.gf193740 -> 20161022.r3.g772371f).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (772371f) Merge pull request #3845 from nozmajner/bluenose_LODfix (cc58ae6) Updating the Medium LOD with the correct mesh. (Was the High level mesh before). Also updating the .model file: Fuselage-material --> Fuselage, so the ship doesn't throw the material errors in the model viewer. (fa50a7c) Changelog: fix indenting (602e0c5)
2016-10-20Updated version (20161015.r22.ga223bdd -> 20161015.r23.gf193740).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (f193740)
2016-10-19Updated version (20161015.r15.g9911b2c -> 20161015.r22.ga223bdd).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (a223bdd) Update Changelog.txt (03ebd0a) Merge pull request #3838 from fluffyfreak/terrain-memory (8ab015c) auto-commit: translation updates (eb7b9ab) Simple reduction in memory usage. (a8315bf) auto-commit: translation updates (7c71de9) auto-commit: translation updates (136b12f)
2016-10-15Updated version (20160907.r79.g322c054 -> 20161015.r15.g9911b2c).AUR Update Bot
Changelog ========= Merge pull request #3836 from robothauler/grammar (9911b2c) Merge branch 'imgui-ng' (8b21174) Use correct colors for splash screen (9257f25) Added imgui, nanosvg and other new files to the vs2015 project (#2) (e09ffb9) Use imgui to render the init screen (8a86c15) Add lua utils functions count and print_r (88354ea) Add lua classes for Colors and Vectors (3a76dbd) Add svg icons (e97a840) Make the SDL_Window accessible (for imgui) (082989a) Slight fixes for imgui (3c5062f) Automake: update to include imgui and nanosvg (2226179) src/LuaRef: add Unref, to release a ref. (3422c87) Add automake for imgui (78cd831) add imgui to contrib (450c055) Fixed grammar error (69896fb) Update Changelog.txt (dcfa304) Merge pull request #3834 from fluffyfreak/terrain-gen-cleanup (01c3c63) auto-commit: translation updates (52e46e5) Moved the quad/single specific methods into the derived classes. (b5d5514) Update Changelog.txt (1337133) Merge pull request #3831 from fluffyfreak/thruster-upgrades (011ea09) Fix the edge corruption issue, reduce the size of the bordered area generated. (11fd1fc) Do all of the bordered data in one go, then extract values from it. (2939b74) Make the generated border size compile-time flexible (473bdd3) Set higher prices that will take time to earn. (112b374) Add thruster_upgrade data to the ships json files. Use upgrades in angular thrust too. (cbfd3e1) Use unsigned int instead of size_t (97a4b7c) Added the thruster types, 3 of them and hooked up the Lua (1420b2b) Added ability to use different power bands for thruster upgrades. (817d5fb) Added const accessors (2eaea21) Removing dead method declarations. (48f17a8)
2016-10-11Updated version (20160907.r67.gd67a3a5 -> 20160907.r79.g322c054).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (322c054) Merge pull request #3832 from fluffyfreak/nearest_sector_search (f0411ae) auto-commit: translation updates (8a53f48) auto-commit: translation updates (fd6e2dd) Update Changelog.txt (9a369f0) Merge pull request #3833 from nozmajner/new_ground_collision_fix (8807c49) auto-commit: translation updates (e8eb3f7) Adding the new ones, so they are lower-case all the way. (a24d49f) Deleting the old ones - for the lower-casing of file names (84ec936) Fixing the scaled down collison mesh. Also lower-casing all the file extensions for consistency. (5ebdfd3) Attempt to find the nearest matching exact name. (1966f54) auto-commit: translation updates (0dca4c6)
2016-10-08Updated version (20160907.r51.g7995e6f -> 20160907.r67.gd67a3a5).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (d67a3a5) Update Changelog.txt (963da7a) Merge pull request #3830 from fluffyfreak/mil-drives-5-to-9 (ba708c1) Update Changelog.txt (a2009cf) Merge pull request #3823 from clausimu/SAR_set_ship_look (aad286b) Update Changelog.txt (0a596d3) Merge pull request #3827 from ecraven/fix-ar-warning (79b0129) Update Changelog.txt (249018c) Merge pull request #3829 from fluffyfreak/update-ignore (888124f) Update the .gitignore file for more vs2015 files outputs (05f5a93) Update Changelog.txt (571c3ea) Merge pull request #3828 from ecraven/fix-override-warnings (7bd5b74) Added military drives from 5 to 9. (198037d) add "override" to silence warnings in clang (1e1221e) fix ARFLAGS to remove warning (67bf230) set ship look (91016c2)
2016-09-29Updated version (20160907.r44.g23cc3cf -> 20160907.r51.g7995e6f).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (7995e6f) Merge pull request #3821 from fluffyfreak/threading-modelcompiler (80952e4) Move creation of the mutex into a static Init method and call that from renderer constructor (dfe9867) Use all available threads/cores for compilation, this is a tool not a game. (0fcbf58) Linux makefile update (f62e1be) Multi-thread the compilation of models. (dee2981) Guard against GetOrCreateTexture from multiple threads. (124f220)
2016-09-24Updated version (20160907.r15.g46e1f9b -> 20160907.r44.g23cc3cf).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (23cc3cf) Merge pull request #3822 from fluffyfreak/gasgiantjobs-warning (21b5eaf) Use a function to access the s_patchFaces to silence a gcc warning (5ad292e) Update Changelog.txt (cebbe6d) Merge pull request #3820 from fluffyfreak/minor-perf-opts (878b9e5) Construct a temporary light object to pass as a parameter for gcc (e510b23) Mostly perf issues around passing by reference instead of value and initialisation in construction. (ac460d1) Update Changelog.txt (a3ed2ad) Merge pull request #3818 from fluffyfreak/new-new-hope (299b062) New seed and new locations of star ports for New Hope in Epsilon Eridani (cad526c) Update Changelog.txt (4bd44e0) Merge pull request #3815 from fluffyfreak/come-back-brighter (f8ccdbc) Update Changelog.txt (c069ee1) Merge pull request #3817 from fluffyfreak/check-pattern-available (a43116d) belt and braces approach to sanity checking for patterns (6c817bb) Update Changelog.txt (1d4c25c) Merge pull request #3816 from fluffyfreak/removed-unused-files (0c73da7) Unused files from JobSwarm experiments 4 years ago! (74face8) Instead of random luminosity we pick brighter ones for random colours to avoid dowdy looking models. (3f38f67) Update Changelog.txt (7cb8109) Merge pull request #3813 from fluffyfreak/additional-mesh-optimisation (791504f) Merge pull request #3814 from fluffyfreak/pattern-limit (95ed592) Check we support patterns before using, and limit pattern range correctly. (f63b844) Update Changelog.txt (5faa2e9) Merge pull request #3811 from clausimu/set_ship_pattern (7def4f3) Corrected tabs instead of spaces (3fcf0a5) fail with lua_error if pattern is invalid (ca957aa) Additional flags for Assimp to optimise meshes. (8de7aa8) set ship patterns from lua and annotate GetSkin and SetSkin methods (a62025f)
2016-09-20Updated version (20160907.r8.g193e4f7 -> 20160907.r15.g46e1f9b).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (46e1f9b) Merge pull request #3812 from clausimu/annotate_shipdef (fce5ef8) Update Changelog.txt (6ba1faa) Merge pull request #3810 from impaktor/github_magic (68043b3) add annotations to ShipDef (83ba7bb) Some additional useful global editorconfig (49fa7df) Adding an editorconfig file to define coding style (a4c4143)
2016-09-17Updated version (20160907.r3.g480a59e -> 20160907.r8.g193e4f7).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (193e4f7) Merge pull request #3809 from fluffyfreak/NavLightsAgain (4746bfb) Moved the responsibility for rendering NavLight billboard from scenegraph/Model into NavLights. (de247e7) Merge branch 'SAR_adjust_income' (54732ea) mission reward dependent on cargo (4e966aa)
2016-09-13Updated version (20160814.r76.ga1d3b07 -> 20160907.r3.g480a59e).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= In Settings: Swap "exit game" and "open folder" buttons (480a59e) auto-commit: translation updates (c30fac7) auto-commit: translation updates (cdd63e0) auto-commit: translation updates (f43ee4b) auto-commit: translation updates (73cd061) Update Changelog.txt (19cc332) Update Changelog.txt (658ffb5) Merge pull request #3792 from fluffyfreak/vary-gpu-job-submission (eee5191) Avoid some reordering and casting warnings from gcc (cb5c09b) Group [cpu,gpu,octaves] together in the config file. Rename/case the TEXTURE_SIZE_SMALL (24529fb) Vary gas giant texture size depending on planet detail, control octaves from config too (1e04aba) Delete the copy constructors (81348af) Vary the delay for each gas giant generating it's textures. (da377b8)
2016-09-04Updated version (20160814.r71.g3fcd5b8 -> 20160814.r76.ga1d3b07).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (a1d3b07) Force OpenUserFolderBrowser to use ShellExecuteW so MXE can compile (bcfc213) auto-commit: translation updates (5a16baf) auto-commit: translation updates (63a591a) auto-commit: translation updates (cc3e753)
2016-09-01Updated version (20160814.r70.gac67a69 -> 20160814.r71.g3fcd5b8).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Fix mispelling in SAR module. (3fcd5b8)
2016-08-31Updated version (20160814.r52.g58533c9 -> 20160814.r70.gac67a69).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (ac67a69) auto-commit: translation updates (157b54a) Update changelog, closes #3793 (5b347ab) Much narrower range of star colours for Pioneer. Mods etc can override. (9a37942) auto-commit: translation updates (97b5431) Update changelog (4781214) stop searching for destroyed ship (c9bf2bc) Update Changelog.txt (b5e3a26) Merge pull request #3795 from clausimu/SAR_fix_crew_delivery (bd0d09f) select type of cargo for message from list (542579d) Merge pull request #3796 from pioneerspacesim/fix_SAR-crash (efaf0ed) Fix nav and combat target removal cleaning (aa79672) Merge branch 'master' into SAR_fix_crew_delivery (a637a23) fix crew delivery (d2abade) load fuel for short missions (e388240) fix hyperjumping bug (03855f9) Merge branch 'master' into SAR_fix_crew_delivery (fa1769c) fix crew delivery mission (8dfb80b)
2016-08-29Updated version (20160814.r46.g3a0fe5a -> 20160814.r52.g58533c9).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (58533c9) Update changelog (db003ec) Merge pull request #3798 from clausimu/SAR_eliminate_shipdeffromname (bfa4966) Merge pull request #3799 from clausimu/SAR_fix_reland_crash (3a1d8b1) fix bug when landing in different system or past due date (f956e48) eliminate unnecessary use of shipdeffromname function (25fc86c)
2016-08-25Updated version (20160814.r38.gb258c8a -> 20160814.r46.g3a0fe5a).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (3a0fe5a) auto-commit: translation updates (998ca6a) Fix spelling of Kanara {Police} Interceptor (d5ae0fa) Update Changelog.txt (9f503bb) Merge pull request #3789 from clausimu/SAR_navigation_button_update (3d468c0) auto-commit: translation updates (6127de8) allow direct navigation to target ships (447abf0) navigation to target ships (cae04fa)
2016-08-22Updated version (20160814.r36.gd485753 -> 20160814.r38.gb258c8a).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (b258c8a) "Probability to jump:" -> "Jump complete:" (b8a0df4)
2016-08-22Updated version (20160814.r34.g75ef99f -> 20160814.r36.gd485753).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (d485753) auto-commit: translation updates (94db0b8)
2016-08-20Updated version (20160814.r9.g0885d54 -> 20160814.r34.g75ef99f).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (75ef99f) Update Changelog.txt (6a8050b) Merge pull request #3791 from impaktor/fix_bug_empty_system (dca071b) auto-commit: translation updates (4996e3c) Fix crash when jumping into empty system (4859ca9) Update Changelog.txt (aabfbbf) Merge pull request #3790 from fluffyfreak/browse-user-folder (98e0219) Show the path to the users data folder in a simple message box (957fcb4) Add button to Settings menus so user can open their Pioneer folder. (54dd9f1) Expose to LuaEngine (e557622) Add OS functions SupportsFolderBrowser and OpenUserFolderBrowser (6092e52) Add new string OPEN_USER_FOLDER (e46f771) auto-commit: translation updates (0a5b9bd) auto-commit: translation updates (35450ca) auto-commit: translation updates (9569b66) Merge branch 'hyperlaw' (8206d0a) Clarify documentation of HyperjumpTo vs. InitiateHyperjumpTo (657b9fe) Ship knows when a hyperjump is legal or not (b9cfe0f) New law against reckless hyperjumping (c7140cc) Merge pull request #3785 from clausimu/SAR_limit_target_distance (a68083e) Hyperspace button uses three more icon-states (a296c54) Additional icons for hyperlaw. (4de0514) Move the OnLeaveSystem a physics step ahead. (fe32533) Increase hyperjump warmup time (4b2f58d) limit target planets by distance to station (4ed0e00)
2016-08-16Updated version (20160814.r0.g3c331d0 -> 20160814.r9.g0885d54).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Merge pull request #3784 from impaktor/github_templates (0885d54) Added special github contributing text (8e6656c) Added github pull request template (ea6dd47) Added github issue template (db9b9f6) Merge pull request #3781 from impaktor/buildscript_update (2a33f02) Merge pull request #3780 from fluffyfreak/bug-description (b924eac) Include in official build (5f136c8) Exclude source related files from official build (efe0958) Add a piece explicitly linking to the FAQ about bug reporting (7f17f3d)
2016-08-15Updated version (20160720.r55.g90e34ff -> 20160814.r0.g3c331d0).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (3c331d0) Update Changelog.txt (2d7eeb5) Update Changelog.txt (dc517a9) Merge pull request #3778 from fluffyfreak/png-profiles (c7e8b60) Use ImageMagick to fix the iCCP profile problem (4e1f8d2) Update Changelog.txt (b5a11f2) Merge pull request #3777 from fluffyfreak/anim-city-instance-win (a07bb97) Stop doing the dumb. Do not double iterate, MAP AND RELEASE BUFFERS and re-copy all values! (202c0fa) City building animation support. (dac1b1b) auto-commit: translation updates (5b70ceb)
2016-08-11Updated version (20160720.r44.ga99051c -> 20160720.r55.g90e34ff).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (90e34ff) Merge pull request #3775 from fluffyfreak/fix-isnan (51324be) prefix std:: to isnan so it builds on Linux (f6e1ff8) Update Changelog.txt (def00b2) Merge pull request #3774 from fluffyfreak/starfield-colours (8ac4e21) Control possible star colours based on ini file. (d9c64de) auto-commit: translation updates (302114f) Update Changelog.txt (290021e) Merge pull request #3768 from ecraven/remote-lua-repl (30164a6) With the change to PointSprites for starfield we lost the varying colours, added these back with Walterar's preferred colouring scheme. (1475425) Add a TCP Lua console. (18c02e3)
2016-08-10Updated version (20160720.r35.g917a5fd -> 20160720.r44.ga99051c).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (a99051c) Update Changelog.txt (dadcb9c) Merge pull request #3773 from fluffyfreak/fix-hyperspace-stars (e8fbd90) Update Changelog.txt (16191fe) Merge pull request #3772 from fluffyfreak/bad-nan (9578bbd) Use the correct shader and a different material for star streaks in hyperspace. (cc4a03b) Make TextureFont handle failing to find utf8 char better, needs more work. (c4ed1ab) Prevent calculateHeadingPitch from generating NaN values. (b983219) auto-commit: translation updates (920a68f)
2016-08-09Updated version (20160720.r34.gf919155 -> 20160720.r35.g917a5fd).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (917a5fd)
2016-08-08Updated version (20160720.r33.gf69d9d8 -> 20160720.r34.gf919155).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= auto-commit: translation updates (f919155)
2016-08-07Updated version (20160720.r30.gf9234b5 -> 20160720.r33.gf69d9d8).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Merge branch 'SAR_cleanup_destroyed_ships' (f69d9d8) Fix style and bug tracking destroyed ships (a836545) Added navigation button to onClick() and onChat() (5dcd3e4)
2016-08-07Updated version (20160720.r27.g2b7117e -> 20160720.r30.gf9234b5).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Merge branch 'nav_button' (f9234b5) Merge branch 'nav_button' of into nav_button (bd2a4f5) Added navigation button to onClick() and onChat() (b79695c)
2016-08-06Updated version (20160720.r22.gf13bd22 -> 20160720.r27.g2b7117e).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Changelog updated (2b7117e) Merge pull request #3765 from ecraven/toggle-f3f4 (a16f348) auto-commit: translation updates (2ae3245) auto-commit: translation updates (8aa6e17) Make F3/F4 toggle instead of activating the view. (767a87d)
2016-08-02Updated version (20160720.r18.ga7c0b04 -> 20160720.r22.gf13bd22).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= New wizard added tot the Authors file (f13bd22) Merge branch 'add-format-duration' (5caa627) Add function format_duration. (dd07de3) auto-commit: translation updates (ca2b84d)
2016-07-31Version bumpTarn Burton
2016-07-21Updated version (20160710.r10.ge5e3618 -> 20160720.r0.g1379f4b).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= New hungry contributor added (1379f4b) Merge branch 'compiling_osx_fix' (3025995) Mac compilation fix (77acad3)
2016-07-18Updated version (20160710.r0.g3ca3cf6 -> 20160710.r10.ge5e3618).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Update changelog (e5e3618) Merge pull request #3756 from robothauler/fix_dist (37fb37e) Fix SAR distances (9c50f7b) auto-commit: translation updates (95ec801) auto-commit: translation updates (4309628) Update Changelog.txt (70fd7f3) Merge pull request #3755 from fluffyfreak/sar_cargo_check_fix (b32a733) auto-commit: translation updates (4df772b) Merge branch 'sar_cargo_check_fix' of into sar_cargo_check_fix (21f96ff) fix fuel transfer (62fa46c)
2016-07-10Updated version (20160701.r15.gb674f77 -> 20160710.r0.g3ca3cf6).Tarn Burton
Changelog ========= Update Changelog.txt (3ca3cf6) Merge pull request #3754 from fluffyfreak/fix-loading (060f4d7) Revert my changes to use atoi and atoll as these do not give the correct results. (fbd0fbd) auto-commit: translation updates (7610fc0) auto-commit: translation updates (017c743)