Gotta get schwifty with your IBANs
schwifty is a Python library that let’s you easily work with IBANs and BICs as specified by the ISO.
IBAN is the Internation Bank Account Number and BIC the Business Identifier Code. Both are used for
international money transfer.
schwifty lets you
validate check-digits and the country specific format of IBANs
validate format and country codes from BICs
generate BICs from country and bank-code
generate IBANs from country-code, bank-code and account-number.
get the BIC associated to an IBAN’s bank-code
access all relevant components as attributes
Latest CHANGELOG entry
2022.09.0 - 2022/16/09
IBAN validation for Senegal mkopec87
Refactored most of the scripts to generate the bank registry to use Pandas @pebosi
Updated bank registry for Austria, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Netherlands and Poland.