${pkg_base}.install; disabled compile flag removal;
The old versions of PKGBUILD contained the following lines in prepare():
# remove specific build flags so that the options from makepkg.conf are honored
sed -i 's/-O2//g' configure
sed -i 's/-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2//g' configure
sed -i 's/-DNDEBUG//g' configure
sed -i 's/-I\/usr\/local\/include//g' configure
IMHO sed-patching the configure script is a bad idea, especially if not needed.
-O2 is superseeded by whatever is specified in makepkg.conf anyway
-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE is not harmfull, especially if tested by the upstream developers
-DNDEBUG is a reasonalbe choice for most users. Especially as many arch users
do not specify it explicitly in their makepkg.conf
-I/usr/local/include typically has no effect anyway, since it is empty
by default on arch linux.
So I consider it less harmfull to stay with the default ./configure provided by
the developers than patching it on the fly. If a user really wants to change the
build behaviour, she can do this trough makepkg more elegantly.