Using the included binary libs fails for libqatemcontrol:
/usr/bin/ld: [...]/src/Client/src/Shell/../../lib/qatemcontrol/lib/linux/release//libqatemcontrol.so:
undefined reference to `operator delete(void*, unsigned long)@Qt_5'
And also for gpio-client:
/usr/bin/ld: [...]src/Client/src/Shell/../../lib/gpio-client/lib/linux//libgpio-client.so:
undefined reference to `boost::future_category()'
undefined reference to `boost::this_thread::hiden::sleep_for(timespec const&)'
Using the provided `build-system-linux.sh` script fails as well:
Running qmake...
***Unknown option -qt=5
This package uses the `build-linux.sh` script but patches it to use
system libs where necessary to build and link a working executable.
The gpio-client lib is built as part of this package since it's tightly
coupled with the CasparCG Client and not available as a standalone
library. Therefor it was decided to not package it separately but
rebuild it here.