path: root/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2020-10-06Use liberica-jre-11-full>=11 as JRE fixes #12. Use of author provided ↵Roman Vasilev
launcher should close #14 and close #8
2020-09-25Removes -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true from start options, Fixes #10Roman Vasilev
2020-09-22Updated for liberica-jre-11-full-bin, closes #9Roman Vasilev
2019-09-09Closes #6, javaRoman Vasilev
2019-07-25Fix Graphical corruptionBlackenedSky84
Fixes graphical bug as seen in
2018-11-11Changes to build and run with Java 8Roman
2018-09-12pwd change removedmax.bra
2018-08-29v. 4.8.4max.bra
2018-04-06api keys addedmax.bra
2018-03-22v. 4.8.0max.bra
2017-02-20ver. 4.7.8max.bra
2017-01-12jna access restored. no more any arch. x86, x86_64 and armv7h only.max.bra
2017-01-06disabled GVFSmax.bra
2016-08-01ver. 4.7.1max.bra
2016-07-19better home paths managementsmax.bra
2016-05-02v. 4.7max.bra
2016-03-13several adjustments from upstream (e.g. Apache common VFS is now used for ↵max.bra
archives), corrected optional 7zip java binding not loaded
2015-06-08Initial importmax.bra