path: root/linux-rt.preset
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-11-01PKGBUILD: Aligning with vanilla kernel package script. Removing hooks, ↵David Runge
install and preset file (mkinitcpio is now taking care of this itself on the basis of a pkgbase file). Adding python-sphinx to makedepends for html docs. Switching to a pkgver scheme, in which the patch number gets concatenated to the kernel version without any prefix.
2017-12-20bump to 4.14.6_rt7-1Joakim Hernberg
2017-09-07bump to 4.11.12-rt13Joakim Hernberg
2017-02-06bump to 4.9.6_rt4-1Joakim Hernberg
2015-06-08Intitial import of linux-rt 4.0.4_rt1-2Joakim Hernberg