path: root/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-07-10Rename -> to ensure it is run LAST. New option: rice ↵Que Quotion
(extreme and unsafe optimization)
2019-07-10United Maintenance Plan: restructure all libmakepkg scripts (replace tabs ↵Que Quotion
with whitespace, reduce complexity, use safer methods to set flags)
2019-07-09After doing no less than a million unit tests, confirmations, and building a ↵Que Quotion
dozen packages with no problems whatsoever, the code stopped working as documented. NOT THE FIRST TIME BASH, WTF??
2019-07-05Account for clang in lto flags; reduce gcc lto compile time with ↵Que Quotion
2019-03-08fix typo in which caused flags not to be setQue Quotion
2018-11-06Updated for pacman with extendible buildenvQue Quotion
2018-08-30Migrate makepkg-optimize2 into makepkg-optimize; this is the best way to ↵Que Quotion
deal with my out-of-date troll and pacman-build_env-ext