less system depends: OpenBLAS/cblas/lapack,GMP,SuiteParse,mbedTLS,libssh2,curl,libgit2
so succeed building all tests (except Distributed which is still skipped)
skip hash detail for source Make.user (it's not downloaded externally from the repo)
OpebBLAS system provided failed test on a computational check, returning - instead of +
so I put aside the effort to use system OpenBLAS and patch it,
making the packaging smaller
using julia provided OpenBLAS instead of the system OpenBLAS prevents the following error:
Expression: #= /home/mar/aur/julia-git/src/julia/usr/share/julia/stdlib/v1.7/LinearAlgebra/test/lu.jl:287 =# @inferred(logdet(ComplexF32[1.0f0 0.5f0; 0.5f0 -1.0f0])) === 0.22314355f0 + 3.1415927f0im
remove patches not enrured necessary while encountering abundant test errors,
make-install-no-build.patch omitted a second build with possibly
a finalized environment, I rather prefer to let a second run for the moment
otherwise this patch intended for efficiency should be broguth to Julia source,
compilers are also designed not to produce the output when the input is older,
if makefile order the build and it does build I expect its's for a reason,
but I didn't search for it