What this package did before this update is simply patching the `"extensionsGallery"` section in `/usr/lib/code/product.json` to let code oss use vscode marketplace. This can be implemented via patching from a single diff file.
But I want to add an extra feature -- unblock some extensions that are specific to the official build.
You may have noticed that some extensions like pylance and remote-ssh doesn't work in code oss, this can be fixed via patching the `"nameLong"` and `"extensionAllowedProposedApi"` section in `/usr/lib/code/product.json` (thanks to [@Lightsword](https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/k0s8qw/vs_code_developers_prevent_running_the_new/gdmdqkb/)).
But patching these two section can't be done via the `patch` command, because the generated diff file contains many parts that are frequently changed. That's said, a diff file will no longer work after a new version of vscode is released, so I have to use `sed` to manually patch it, but this will produce an error during this update as you may have already noticed.
To fix it, execute the following commands:
1. Remove the product.json.orig file: `sudo rm /usr/lib/code/product.json.orig`.
2. Reinstall the `code` package: `sudo pacman -S code`.