# Generated by mksrcinfo v8 # Mon Apr 18 03:27:19 UTC 2016 pkgbase = attract-git pkgdesc = A graphical front-end for command line emulators that hides the underlying operating system and is intended to be controlled with a joystick or gamepad. pkgver = 2.0.0.rc3.r21 pkgrel = 1 url = http://www.attractmode.org/ install = attract.install arch = i686 arch = x86_64 license = GPL3 makedepends = git depends = sfml depends = openal depends = ffmpeg depends = fontconfig depends = libxinerama depends = libarchive provides = attract conflicts = attract replaces = attractmode-git source = attract::git+https://github.com/mickelson/attract.git#branch=master source = https://github.com/mickelson/attract/releases/download/v1.6.2/ATTRACT.MODE.intro.16-9.v6.1080p.mp4 source = https://github.com/mickelson/attract/releases/download/v1.6.2/ATTRACT.MODE.intro.4-3.v6.1080p.mp4 source = attract.desktop source = attract.install sha1sums = SKIP sha1sums = 37885c5f2e6194e689c36eb88c43bd5bb23363d0 sha1sums = 445bb161b9c06749347974b6c19c846d86b00ceb sha1sums = cf599edbff2962b5ff0a77560a95d80cec828264 sha1sums = 284afdf55086f2a626d5ab617240ff74cea30f53 pkgname = attract-git