pkgbase = aursec-git pkgdesc = Verify AUR package sources against hashes stored in a blockchain. pkgver = v0.11.r0.15ea0e9 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = any license = custom:MPL2 checkdepends = shellcheck makedepends = pandoc makedepends = git depends = firejail depends = geth depends = vim depends = bc provides = aursec conflicts = aursec source = git+ validpgpkeys = 871F10477DB3DDED5FC447B226C7E577EF967808 sha256sums = SKIP pkgname = aursec-git install = aursec-git.install optdepends = aursec-tui: to manually inspect the blockchain. pkgname = aursec-tui-git pkgdesc = Inspect the aursec blockchain depends = python depends = python-requests depends = python-urwid depends = aursec provides = aursec-tui conflicts = aursec-tui