pkgbase = backintime pkgver = 1.3.1 pkgrel = 2 url = arch = any license = GPL makedepends = python source = backintime-1.3.1.tar.gz:: b2sums = b5bea6aad750ffe133d650af9b957500f857fabc9ab14e7e02abe2e7cc3bad806c609f76c5f553e764435b3ab5b5096d21c7329bd7497814f8a4ab23cb58f49f pkgname = backintime pkgdesc = Simple backup system inspired from the Flyback Project and TimeVault. QT5 GUI version. depends = backintime-cli=1.3.1 depends = libnotify depends = polkit depends = python-dbus depends = python-pyqt5 depends = xorg-xdpyinfo optdepends = kompare: diff/patch frontend optdepends = meld: diff/patch frontend optdepends = python-keyring: store and access passwords safely pkgname = backintime-cli pkgdesc = Simple backup system inspired from the Flyback Project and TimeVault. CLI version. depends = cron depends = fuse2 depends = openssh depends = python-dbus depends = python-keyring depends = rsync optdepends = backintime: QT5 GUI version optdepends = encfs: encrypted filesystem in user-space optdepends = pm-utils: for laptops allows an option to not snapshot on battery optdepends = sshfs: FUSE client based on the ssh file transfer protocol