pkgbase = bfetch pkgdesc = A CLI system information tool written in BASH that supports displaying images. pkgver = 2021.01.24 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = any groups = therepoclub license = CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 makedepends = git depends = bash optdepends = catimg: Display Images optdepends = chafa: Image to text support optdepends = feh: Wallpaper Display optdepends = imagemagick: Image cropping / Thumbnail creation / Take a screenshot optdepends = jp2a: Display Images optdepends = libcaca: Display Images optdepends = nitrogen: Wallpaper Display optdepends = w3m: Display Images optdepends = xorg-xdpyinfo: Resolution detection (Single Monitor) optdepends = xorg-xprop: Desktop Environment and Window Manager optdepends = xorg-xrandr: Resolution detection (Multi Monitor + Refresh rates) source = bfetch-2021.01.24.tar.gz:: sha256sums = 160374b4fdf7c75c59fe18b06dcaa9861c5f39cd53c80e0b1943cd7fabbc3c83 pkgname = bfetch