pkgbase = bzr-gtk-bzr pkgdesc = Plugin for Bazaar that aims to provide GTK+ interfaces to most Bazaar operations. pkgver = r796 pkgrel = 2 url = install = bzr-gtk.install arch = any license = GPL depends = python2-gobject2 depends = bzr depends = desktop-file-utils depends = gtk-update-icon-cache optdepends = python2-cairo: Graphs in the visualisation tool optdepends = pytgtksourceview2: Syntax-highlighted diffs optdepends = python2-nautilus: Nautilus integration provides = bzr-gtk conflicts = bzr-gtk source = bzr-gtk::bzr+ source = no_credits.patch sha256sums = SKIP sha256sums = de6273817a433d3c2e64ed0f8339c7a3cdc60fec60772a6d57b4c14f94cb2cdf pkgname = bzr-gtk-bzr