pkgbase = can-isotp-dkms-git pkgdesc = Kernel modules for isotp pkgver = r17.58f3c59 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = x86_64 arch = i686 arch = arm arch = armv6h arch = armv7h arch = aarch64 license = GPL2 makedepends = git depends = dkms optdepends = can-utils: utilities for sending and receiving ISOTP messges optdepends = linux-headers: build the module against Arch kernel optdepends = linux-lts-headers: build the module against LTS Arch kernel provides = can-isotp-dkms conflicts = can-isotp-dkms source = git+ source = dkms.conf sha256sums = SKIP sha256sums = 4e69b728bacd8aba3281b55aef2da2e8737d6a380be2d8ed397e09f79651f317 pkgname = can-isotp-dkms-git