pkgbase = checkupdatify
	pkgdesc = A collection of scripts that notify you of pending updates to your Arch Linux system
	pkgver = 1.1.1
	pkgrel = 1
	url =
	arch = any
	license = GPL-3.0-only
	depends = gawk
	depends = yay
	optdepends = terminator: the update command is sent to this terminal emulator by default
	optdepends = libnotify: provides a notification for completion of upgrade(s)
	optdepends = archlinux-artwork: provides icon for notifications
	source =
	sha256sums = c57daddb414342d7e193ce2d2c837bac84f43ea877848d36c9959d4a944cdcbf

pkgname = checkupdatify