pkgbase = coreutils-selinux pkgdesc = The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system with SELinux support pkgver = 8.22 pkgrel = 3 url = install = coreutils.install arch = i686 arch = x86_64 groups = selinux license = GPL3 depends = glibc depends = pam-selinux depends = acl depends = gmp depends = libcap depends = openssl depends = libselinux provides = coreutils=8.22-3 provides = selinux-coreutils=8.22-3 conflicts = coreutils conflicts = selinux-coreutils source = source = source = coreutils-8.22-shuf-segfault.patch source = 0001-copy-fix-SELinux-context-preservation-for-existing-d.patch source = 0002-copy-fix-a-segfault-in-SELinux-context-copying-code.patch md5sums = 8fb0ae2267aa6e728958adc38f8163a2 md5sums = SKIP md5sums = 94f7e6f373f37beb236caabed8fcdb52 md5sums = a320632626e1639643f3510ae1c62ed0 md5sums = 40575ec80e895b5db52dafa6556e6e26 pkgname = coreutils-selinux