pkgbase = cpeditor-git pkgdesc = The editor for competitive programming pkgver = 6.7.1.r76.g90664931 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = x86_64 license = GPL3 makedepends = cmake makedepends = git makedepends = ninja makedepends = python3 makedepends = qt5-tools depends = qt5-base>=5.15.0 optdepends = cf-tool: submit to Codeforces support optdepends = clang: C++ format and language server support optdepends = jdk-openjdk: compile Java support optdepends = jre-openjdk: execute Java support optdepends = python: execute Python support provides = cpeditor conflicts = cpeditor source = git:// source = git:// source = git:// source = git:// source = git:// source = git:// source = git:// md5sums = SKIP md5sums = SKIP md5sums = SKIP md5sums = SKIP md5sums = SKIP md5sums = SKIP md5sums = SKIP pkgname = cpeditor-git