pkgbase = cryptomator pkgdesc = Multiplatform transparent client-side encryption of your files in the cloud. pkgver = 1.6.15 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = any license = GPL3 makedepends = java-environment>=17 makedepends = maven depends = fuse2 depends = libjffi depends = alsa-lib depends = hicolor-icon-theme depends = ttf-dejavu depends = libxtst depends = libnet depends = libxrender optdepends = keepassxc-cryptomator: Use KeePassXC to store vault passwords optdepends = ttf-hanazono: Install this font when using Japanese system language options = !strip source = cryptomator-1.6.15.tar.gz:: source = cryptomator-1.6.15.tar.gz.asc:: validpgpkeys = 58117AFA1F85B3EEC154677D615D449FE6E6A235 sha256sums = e4c75f3fc3c60178e5f44a3f5a6199bdcc8edcb45cb09d6d4fb0efbed27170a7 sha256sums = SKIP pkgname = cryptomator