pkgbase = cylon pkgdesc = Updates, Maintenance, backup and system checks in a menu driven Bash script pkgver = 3.2 pkgrel = 3 url = arch = any license = GPL optdepends = cower: AUR package for AUR work optdepends = gdrive: AUR package for google drive backup optdepends = lostfiles: AUR package for finding lost files optdepends = pacaur: AUR helper optdepends = arch-audit: AUR package collect CVE data optdepends = rmlint: Finds lint and other unwanted optdepends = rkhunter: finds root kits malware optdepends = clamav: used for finding malware optdepends = bleachbit: used for system clean optdepends = gnu-netcat: used for checking network optdepends = ccrypt: used for encrypting optdepends = rsync: used for backup optdepends = inxi: system information viewer optdepends = htop: interactive process viewer optdepends = wavemon: wireless network monitor optdepends = speedtest-cli: internet bandwidth optdepends = lynis: system audit tool optdepends = openbsd-netcat: used for checking network source = md5sums = 76d4a28cda5d27256d1a7a6a00cb3e2c pkgname = cylon