pkgbase = electrum-git pkgdesc = Lightweight Bitcoin wallet pkgver = 20190617 pkgrel = 1 url = install = electrum.install arch = any license = MIT checkdepends = python-tox makedepends = gettext makedepends = git makedepends = protobuf makedepends = python-pycurl makedepends = python-setuptools depends = hicolor-icon-theme depends = libsecp256k1 depends = python depends = python-dnspython depends = python-ecdsa depends = python-jsonrpclib-pelix depends = python-protobuf depends = python-pyaes depends = python-pyqt5 depends = python-pysocks depends = python-qdarkstyle depends = python-qrcode depends = python-requests depends = python-six depends = python-websocket-client depends = python-aiohttp-socks depends = python-certifi depends = python-aiorpcx-git depends = python-aiohttp depends = qt5-base optdepends = desktop-file-utils: update desktop icon optdepends = gtk-update-icon-cache: update desktop icon optdepends = python-amodem: air-gapped transaction signing over audio modem optdepends = python-btchip: Ledger hardware wallet support optdepends = python-ckcc-protocol: Coldcard wallet hardware support optdepends = python-hidapi: Digital Bitbox hardware wallet support optdepends = python-pycryptodomex: use PyCryptodome AES implementation instead of pyaes optdepends = python-keepkey: KeepKey hardware wallet support optdepends = python-matplotlib: plot transaction history in graphical mode optdepends = python-rpyc: send commands to Electrum Python console from an external script optdepends = python-safet: Archos Safe-T hardware wallet support optdepends = python-trezor: Trezor hardware wallet support optdepends = xdg-utils: update desktop icon optdepends = zbar: QR code reading support provides = electrum conflicts = electrum source = git+ sha256sums = SKIP pkgname = electrum-git