pkgbase = elm-format-bin pkgdesc = Format Elm source code according to a standard set of rules based on the official Elm Style Guide. pkgver = 0.8.5 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = i686 arch = x86_64 license = BSD provides = elm-format conflicts = elm-format-0.16-bin conflicts = elm-format-0.17-bin conflicts = elm-format-0.18-bin conflicts = elm-format-0.18-exp-bin conflicts = elm-format-0.19-bin source = source = source = LICENSE-0.8.5:: validpgpkeys = 77C4B904349CF1E55BBD8FE479AC6B2F3F6CCA93 sha256sums = 147c479e375b9bae8dd633e526677fbd2a87e5445b3638ebee86c1319ffe8e23 sha256sums = SKIP sha256sums = 4c6b68b38e955813d0c7f2e57c9b07de19bde5fcfce930b2cfdb59d8469cfdfa pkgname = elm-format-bin