pkgbase = ferrite-core pkgdesc = Ferrite Core DX font family by Froyo Tam(Meta-package with TTF and OTF variants) pkgver = 2.02 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = any license = Custom source = ferrite-core-2.02.tar.gz:: sha256sums = bb7909d1b593fd87bc70fc457aea01e525d58b0f665418b6972a708eb3b34c1d pkgname = otf-ferrite-core pkgdesc = Ferrite Core DX font family by Froyo Tam(OTF Open Type Font) pkgname = ttf-ferrite-core pkgdesc = Ferrite Core DX font family by Froyo Tam(TTF True Type Font) conflicts = ttf-ferrite-core-git