# Generated by mksrcinfo v8 # Fri May 5 19:44:59 UTC 2017 pkgbase = fics-timeseal pkgdesc = Timeseal support for eboard, xboard, scid and maybe others for playing chess on FICS pkgver = 1 pkgrel = 5 url = http://www.freechess.org/ install = fics-timeseal.install arch = any license = unknown optdepends = eboard: works automagically optdepends = xboard: run fics-xboard-timeseal from a terminal optdepends = scid: before connecting browse and select /usr/bin/timeseal source = http://sourceforge.net/p/scidvspc/code/HEAD/tree/timeseal/timeseal.Linux-i386?format=raw md5sums = b30dd4fafb3ac1c87804e0ab2fc7bdd7 pkgname = fics-timeseal