pkgbase = funkwhale pkgdesc = A self-hosted, modern free and open-source music server, heavily inspired by Grooveshark. pkgver = 0.18 pkgrel = 1 url = install = funkwhale.install arch = any license = GPL3 makedepends = git depends = ffmpeg depends = libjpeg depends = postgresql depends = python depends = ipython depends = mod_xsendfile depends = python-django>=2 depends = python-django-environ depends = python-pillow depends = python-django-allauth depends = python-psycopg2 depends = python-pytz depends = python-redis depends = python-django-redis depends = python-celery depends = python-django-cors-headers depends = python-musicbrainzngs depends = python-django-rest-framework>=3.9 depends = python-django-rest-framework-jwt depends = python-pendulum depends = python-persisting-theory depends = python-django-versatile-imagefield depends = python-django-filter1.1 depends = python-django-rest-auth depends = python-beautifulsoup4 depends = python-markdown depends = python-mutagen depends = python-django-taggit depends = python-pymemoize depends = python-django-dynamic-preferences depends = python-raven depends = python-magic-git depends = python-ffmpeg depends = python-django-channels depends = python-django-channels-redis depends = python-daphne depends = python-cryptography depends = python-requests-http-signature depends = python-django-cleanup depends = python-ldap depends = python-django-auth-ldap depends = python-service-identity depends = python-pydub optdepends = apache: to use the Apache web server optdepends = certbot-apache: for the server to be accessible from outside optdepends = nginx: to use nginx web server source = source = source = source = source = funkwhale-beat.service source = funkwhale-worker.service source = funkwhale-server.service source = apache-funkwhale.conf source = env-template source = funkwhale.service sha256sums = bd39230b27e22d1a41cd058979f67cc1727b5ea845ce32b29e8de99bf6d364f3 sha256sums = 20faddbf6a74722826eb889df4ebd4fc18810ff80d3741608b1d86d17e4f408a sha256sums = 2906a075b41dcd2375c601482cb5a00e42cb87c613012b176c570d77918afbf2 sha256sums = ee571b8a30b968849fcf5c7b2588f298a3046609fe9792dd0b59024899dfea3a sha256sums = a964a7802252d20a3319e2131c27ec307ad4f454921c2db31971c080150d7c9b sha256sums = 0e6d7c96b7c1ec63794214decb1f2e7dd112a22b02e55555cf98c2a573014af6 sha256sums = 4a28ddf6a6ba8ec28c10a164f82e3d5e5904d6dfe68ae8852428a589cee210c5 sha256sums = dcc7a76ff136db29a830f9228a88b2ab64639d44ef2d8db363315fe5828efec9 sha256sums = c2ee8160e2f4f87a2d4fe46136ffb8ea14422dc599db3eca4341e48db26d72ad sha256sums = 01104122e3df765735b1062aa15e7a73c7949f2d9b7332c0e02e02db66345349 pkgname = funkwhale