pkgbase = gateone-git pkgdesc = Web-based terminal emulator and SSH client pkgver = 1.1_r521.g6ae1d01 pkgrel = 2 url = install = gateone-git.install arch = any license = AGPL3 makedepends = git depends = python2 depends = python2-tornado-4.4 depends = python2-futures depends = python2-setuptools depends = python2-html5lib optdepends = python2-imaging: A python module for manipulating images optdepends = python2-pillow: An alternative to python2-imaging optdepends = python2-pam: Only necessary if you plan to use the PAM authentication module optdepends = python2-kerberos: Only necessary if you plan to use the Kerberos authentication module optdepends = python2-pyopenssl: Used to generate self-signed SSL keys and certificates optdepends = dtach: Allows sessions to be resumed even if Gate One is restarted optdepends = mutagen: Display audio metadata when reading audio files options = emptydirs source = git+ md5sums = SKIP pkgname = gateone-git