# Generated by mksrcinfo v8 # Mon Dec 10 18:01:42 UTC 2018 pkgbase = geant4 pkgdesc = A simulation toolkit for particle physics interactions. pkgver = 10.5 pkgrel = 1 url = http://geant4.cern.ch/ install = geant4.install arch = x86_64 license = custom: http://geant4.cern.ch/license/ depends = cmake>=3.3 depends = xerces-c depends = qt5-base depends = glu depends = soxt optdepends = java-environment: for histogram visualizations and analysis optdepends = tcsh: for C Shell support optdepends = python: for G4Python support optdepends = geant4-neutronhpdata: Neutron data files with thermal cross sections optdepends = geant4-ledata: Data files for low energy electromagnetic processes optdepends = geant4-levelgammadata: Data files for photon evaporation optdepends = geant4-radioactivedata: Data files for radioactive decay hadronic processes optdepends = geant4-particlexsdata: Data files for evaluated p, d, t, He3, He4 and gamma cross sections, replaces geant4-neutronxsdata optdepends = geant4-piidata: Data files for shell ionisation cross sections optdepends = geant4-realsurfacedata: Data files for measured optical surface reflectance optdepends = geant4-saiddata: Data files from evaluated cross-sections in SAID data-base optdepends = geant4-abladata: Data files for nuclear shell effects in INCL/ABLA hadronic mode optdepends = geant4-incdata: Data files for proton and neutron density profiles optdepends = geant4-ensdfstatedata: Nuclei properties from the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data Files optdepends = geant4-particlehpdata: Data files for protons, deuterons, tritons, He3 and alphas for use with ParticleHP conflicts = geant4_devel options = !emptydirs source = http://cern.ch/geant4-data/releases/geant4.10.05.tar.gz source = geant4.install sha256sums = 4b05b4f7d50945459f8dbe287333b9efb772bd23d50920630d5454ec570b782d sha256sums = 36e2d2bff5fc753e8abaa1a5da10710c030512b926d33c1977687d7b47672bd4 pkgname = geant4