# Generated by makepkg 4.2.1 # Mon Jul 27 11:54:43 UTC 2015 pkgbase = grappl pkgdesc = grappl is a clever little tool that lets you host any type of server anywhere for free, with no port forwarding and no VPS. Your router doesn't even have to support uPnP. You don't even have to have a router. You can do it through your phone! pkgver = 1.5.9 pkgrel = 24 url = http://www.grappl.io/ arch = any license = GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE V2.1 depends = java-runtime depends = xorg-xrandr depends = ttf-font depends = libxtst noextract = GrapplLauncher.jar source = grappl source = http://grappl.io:888/html/GrapplLauncher.jar source = grappl.desktop source = LICENSE md5sums = 0444a7ce5951bea43fe4eabe005f06a0 md5sums = b4bc164aa18db8354a987df00f93fe62 md5sums = 89fa4b959482d90728302fdefdef21e4 md5sums = 7d93f005407dc76be53fc76ab46e05d0 pkgname = grappl