# Generated by makepkg 4.2.1 # Sat May 23 12:03:59 UTC 2015 pkgbase = gtk-theme-iris-light-git pkgdesc = A flat theme that uses varying shades and tones to create distinction and a modern experience. It supports Gtk 3.10, Gtk 3.12 and Gtk 2 (using the Murrine engine). pkgver = 103.a416581 pkgrel = 1 url = http://thevirtualdragon.deviantart.com/art/Iris-Light-Beta-428948909 changelog = CHANGELOG arch = any license = GPL3 makedepends = git depends = gtk3 depends = gtk-engine-murrine provides = gtk-theme-iris-light source = iris-light::git+https://github.com/xyl0n/iris-light.git sha256sums = SKIP pkgname = gtk-theme-iris-light-git