pkgbase = gwyddion pkgdesc = A data visualization and processing tool for scanning probe miscroscopy (SPM, i.e. AFM, STM, MFM, SNOM/NSOM, ...) and profilometry, useful also for general image and 2D data analysis pkgver = 2.43 pkgrel = 1 url = install = gwyddion.install arch = i686 arch = x86_64 license = GPL makedepends = pkgconfig depends = gtk2 depends = pango depends = cairo depends = gtkglext depends = desktop-file-utils depends = python2 depends = pygtk depends = hicolor-icon-theme depends = openexr depends = fftw depends = libunique optdepends = libxmu: for alternative "remote control" backend optdepends = gconf: better GNOME and XFce integration (SPM file thumbnails) optdepends = libxml2: SPML file support optdepends = zlib: Matlab MAT5 file support optdepends = perl: development of plug-in optdepends = ruby: development of plug-in optdepends = fpc: development of plug-in optdepends = gtksourceview2: Pygwy console syntax highlighting source = sha256sums = df09c431e5e1c510041761baf3c0cddaa47200aed67a4246dfd8c60d40bd1ec0 pkgname = gwyddion