pkgbase = i3stat-bin pkgdesc = A lightweight and batteries-included status_command for i3 and sway pkgver = 0.8.0 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = x86_64 license = GPL-3.0-only depends = gcc-libs optdepends = dbus: sending notifications optdepends = dunst: showing if notifications are paused or not via dunst optdepends = i3-wm: use it as the i3 status_command source = sha512sums = 5a7acb99f8f1006770f1e318c552971984cd11d365511f178a5a5d41d729b66b0d56e27821b75d466f8b125bd9d8f58ab7f98395f0aa8226168d9b0a2ea109eb pkgname = i3stat-bin