# Generated by makepkg 5.0.2 # Mon Apr 30 13:57:00 UTC 2018 pkgbase = irmplircd pkgdesc = zeroconf LIRC daemon that reads IRMP events from the USB IR Remote Receiver pkgver = 20180103 pkgrel = 1 url = https://github.com/realglotzi/irmplircd install = irmplircd.install arch = x86_64 arch = i686 arch = arm arch = armv6h arch = armv7h license = GPL2 makedepends = git depends = gcc-libs backup = etc/irmp_stm32.map source = git+https://github.com/realglotzi/irmplircd.git#commit=d7994146cd1950ff2673edf382d2148b37f78a18 source = irmplircd.tmpfiles source = irmplircd.service source = 80-irmp.rules md5sums = SKIP md5sums = febf25c154a7d36f01159e84f26c2d9a md5sums = cfa3ab62473580d8f12aa1eea751ef19 md5sums = b0d56a3b2ff1fdbd387ce4dd562ddc7f pkgname = irmplircd