pkgbase = kicad-nightly
	pkgdesc = Electronic schematic and printed circuit board (PCB) design tools
	pkgver = 5.99.0_12298_gc84619cd7f
	pkgrel = 1
	url =
	arch = x86_64
	license = GPL
	makedepends = git
	makedepends = cmake
	makedepends = zlib
	makedepends = mesa
	makedepends = boost
	makedepends = swig
	makedepends = ninja
	makedepends = tar
	makedepends = gzip
	depends = wxgtk3
	depends = python
	depends = boost-libs
	depends = glew
	depends = curl
	depends = glm
	depends = ngspice
	depends = opencascade
	depends = python-wxpython
	optdepends = kicad-library-nightly: for footprints and symbols
	optdepends = kicad-library-3d-nightly: for 3d models of components
	options = !strip
	source = git+
	source = kicad-nightly.env
	sha256sums = SKIP
	sha256sums = fce26af6b9c181a99197bfc9bc6c778561ad55a375480f4d0d73bb34078b5d18

pkgname = kicad-nightly