pkgbase = korla-icon-theme-git pkgdesc = Kora is an SVG icon theme with lots of new icons and other ones based on Papirus. pkgver = r580.e774871 pkgrel = 1 url = install = korla-icon-theme-git.install arch = any license = GPL3 makedepends = git depends = gtk-update-icon-cache optdepends = hicolor-icon-theme: fallback Hicolor icon theme optdepends = breeze-icons: fallback Breeze icon theme for Plasma Desktop optdepends = gnome-icon-theme: fallback Gnome icon theme for Gnome Desktop provides = korla-icon-theme provides = korla-icon-theme-git provides = kora-icon-theme provides = kora-icon-theme-git conflicts = korla-icon-theme conflicts = kora-icon-theme source = git+ md5sums = SKIP pkgname = korla-icon-theme-git