# Generated by makepkg 6.1.0 # Tue Apr 16 09:27:36 UTC 2024 pkgbase = linux-shmilee pkgdesc = Linux-shmilee x64v3 pkgver = 6.6.27 pkgrel = 1 url = https://www.kernel.org/ arch = x86_64 license = GPL2 makedepends = bc makedepends = libelf makedepends = pahole makedepends = cpio makedepends = perl makedepends = tar makedepends = xz makedepends = gettext makedepends = xmlto makedepends = python-sphinx makedepends = python-sphinx_rtd_theme makedepends = graphviz makedepends = imagemagick options = !strip source = https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v6.x/linux-6.6.tar.xz source = https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v6.x/linux-6.6.tar.sign source = https://master.dl.sourceforge.net/project/xanmod/releases/lts/6.6.27-xanmod1/patch-6.6.27-xanmod1.xz source = https://github.com/zhmars/cjktty-patches/raw/b43d618da6d6536338761a5fc7c9c377c318fb9e/v6.x/cjktty-6.6.patch source = config validpgpkeys = ABAF11C65A2970B130ABE3C479BE3E4300411886 validpgpkeys = 647F28654894E3BD457199BE38DBBDC86092693E sha256sums = d926a06c63dd8ac7df3f86ee1ffc2ce2a3b81a2d168484e76b5b389aba8e56d0 sha256sums = SKIP sha256sums = 7fd321de9a72916a1aedca63c744f6035d71e5176c22a729870adfc674bbd446 sha256sums = 47a008c8b3b684330f2b80beeaca20105ab3afcded9530b28b078821bd062ba6 sha256sums = a8162641380b2681622d0f3c40ce130c9fd1cf6e176b5db18b95ba83609fbcf8 pkgname = linux-shmilee pkgdesc = The Linux-shmilee x64v3 kernel and modules with Xanmod patches, cjktty and ashmem, binder enabled depends = coreutils depends = kmod depends = mkinitcpio optdepends = wireless-regdb: to set the correct wireless channels of your country optdepends = linux-firmware: firmware images needed for some devices provides = VIRTUALBOX-GUEST-MODULES provides = WIREGUARD-MODULE provides = KSMBD-MODULE pkgname = linux-shmilee-headers pkgdesc = Headers and scripts for building modules for the Linux-shmilee x64v3 kernel depends = pahole pkgname = linux-shmilee-docs pkgdesc = Documentation for the Linux-shmilee x64v3 kernel