pkgbase = linux-versioned-bin pkgdesc = The Linux kernel and modules | repackaged with a unique package name for each version pkgver = 6.0.11.arch1 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = x86_64 license = GPL2 noextract = linux-6.0.11.arch1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst noextract = linux-headers-6.0.11.arch1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst noextract = linux-docs-6.0.11.arch1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst options = !strip source = source = source = sha256sums = c96ff97e495224a54e3d000b6b2c1749fc4ef43768d78caac5b022df3c0bc4f3 sha256sums = 39c6f0c30a452003dc999a31edf0ff3dcd9029f1392924ca54a7bd89537f5e48 sha256sums = 140d3916f40d903f885852d2e2b3a22bbba7ec7c86e8939e099f5f47e1c72bb4 pkgname = linux-versioned-bin pkgdesc = Metapackage depending on linux6.0.11.arch1-1-bin depends = linux6.0.11.arch1-1-bin optdepends = grub-hook: to run grub-mkconfig when kernels are added/removed pkgname = linux-versioned-headers-bin pkgdesc = Metapackage depending on linux6.0.11.arch1-1-headers-bin depends = linux6.0.11.arch1-1-headers-bin pkgname = linux-versioned-docs-bin pkgdesc = Metapackage depending on linux6.0.11.arch1-1-docs-bin depends = linux6.0.11.arch1-1-docs-bin pkgname = linux6.0.11.arch1-1-bin pkgdesc = The Linux kernel and modules, version 6.0.11-arch1-1 depends = coreutils depends = initramfs depends = kmod optdepends = linux-firmware: firmware images needed for some devices optdepends = wireless-regdb: to set the correct wireless channels of your country provides = KSMBD-MODULE provides = VIRTUALBOX-GUEST-MODULES provides = WIREGUARD-MODULE conflicts = linux replaces = virtualbox-guest-modules-arch replaces = wireguard-arch pkgname = linux6.0.11.arch1-1-headers-bin pkgdesc = Headers and scripts for building modules for the Linux kernel 6.0.11-arch1-1 depends = pahole conflicts = linux-headers pkgname = linux6.0.11.arch1-1-docs-bin pkgdesc = Documentation for the Linux kernel 6.0.11-arch1-1 conflicts = linux-docs