pkgbase = matcha-gtk-theme-maximize pkgdesc = A flat design theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and GNOME Shell. Replaces the restore button with the maximize button. pkgver = 2023.10.30 pkgrel = 1 url = install = matcha-gtk-theme.install arch = any license = GPL3 makedepends = setconf optdepends = gtk-engine-murrine: GTK2 theme support optdepends = gtk-engines: GTK2 theme support optdepends = qogir-icon-theme: Recommended icon theme conflicts = matcha-gtk-theme conflicts = matcha-gtk-theme-git options = !strip source = matcha-gtk-theme-2023-10-30.tar.gz:: source = mate-button-fix.patch:: sha256sums = 9e7c1b7055bd996eaa01e8cd30e098dc1873f98690d2ace6ecad0e945307d470 sha256sums = 79460f0e51d2949577e56f08537d2ac6b5cdd3708f23f52ca30c619662a860c1 pkgname = matcha-gtk-theme-maximize