pkgbase = meshlab-git pkgdesc = System for processing and editing of unstructured 3D models arising in 3D scanning (qt5 version) pkgver = 2020.03.r36.gd0fa7a31f pkgrel = 2 url = arch = i686 arch = x86_64 license = GPL2 makedepends = cmake makedepends = eigen3 makedepends = ninja makedepends = git makedepends = muparser makedepends = levmar makedepends = lib3ds makedepends = mpir depends = bzip2 depends = desktop-file-utils depends = glew depends = glu depends = openssl-1.0 depends = qt5-base depends = qt5-declarative depends = qt5-script depends = qt5-xmlpatterns optdepends = u3d: for U3D and IDTF file support optdepends = lib3ds: for Autodesk`s 3D-Studio r3 and r4 .3DS file support optdepends = levmar: for isoparametrization and mutualcorrs plugins optdepends = muparser: for filer_func plugins optdepends = mpir: for Constructive Solid Geometry operation filters provides = meshlab conflicts = meshlab source = meshlab::git+ source = vcglib::git+ source = desktop.patch source = meshlab.desktop sha256sums = SKIP sha256sums = SKIP sha256sums = 1690f70118c985da61595b615635472144c4d0b3ddcefb515b9f230c106961b5 sha256sums = 030ab1dcafb7d793bed3bc455497208addadf1091a4619576fe7e044aed4231a pkgname = meshlab-git