pkgbase = next pkgdesc = CGM rc Heli Flight Simulator pkgver = 1.515 pkgrel = 1 url = install = next.install arch = i686 arch = x86_64 license = custom optdepends = joyutils: jscal, jstest, and jsattach utilities for the Linux joystick driver optdepends = controllermap: Game controller mapping generator, to generate env. var. SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG optdepends = antimicro: Game controller mapping generator, to generate env. var. SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG source = source = next.desktop source = sha256sums = 2a0ee25dc327e6b0e265179171f8a26f73c4d7e635f53b7010b0418f84dc9e43 sha256sums = 31972ec9835d29109e490a54b49865dd69084c5552344cfe2fec9b534a5fa8a2 sha256sums = b896113f488803acb89e53ce0c0df2db75a2ca7fbd5ea157c9ad871bad7e1ca1 pkgname = next