pkgbase = next pkgdesc = CGM rc Heli Flight Simulator pkgver = 1.520 pkgrel = 1 url = install = next.install arch = i686 arch = x86_64 license = custom optdepends = joyutils: jscal, jstest, and jsattach utilities for the Linux joystick driver optdepends = controllermap: Game controller mapping generator, to generate env. var. SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG optdepends = antimicro: Game controller mapping generator, to generate env. var. SDL_GAMECONTROLLERCONFIG source = source = next.desktop source = sha512sums = ede0b86f24302a58c61867c47d811e9f4c5040baa5e44f793b99227fc3506be41475e260cdf41bde765457f79e62954fb396532ae894bd9cd84875294910a8c6 sha512sums = 73fa793d92ef60e052b82776e89316024fbe46634a695516820b0f2740727c92e94da72f318bb22817686e53f827106ce3048126852c23608295464d90ee4b6d sha512sums = 0012ea26bb1bd1c929d7957515bc0a7217d2beb8018507260b62e0754ecef7cfa198d1a35de904aa8e966bf18a851f0baf0631d6c17e1abde4cb579522d48496 pkgname = next