pkgbase = open-av4ms-git pkgdesc = Log and monitor the serial output of the MiMH/ NiCd battery chargers 'AV4m+'/ 'AV4ms'. pkgver = 1.5+1.r7.20181017.e7ac570 pkgrel = 4 url = install = open-av4ms.install arch = any license = GPL3 makedepends = git depends = python2 depends = python2-daemon depends = python2-netifaces depends = python2-pyro3 depends = python2-pyserial optdepends = logrotate: To rotate the webserver logs. optdepends = sysvinit: For system-V-style initscript. optdepends = wget: For av4update Raspian(!) helper script. provides = open-av4ms=1.5+1.r7.20181017.e7ac570 provides = av4ms-server=1.5+1.r7.20181017.e7ac570 conflicts = open-av4ms conflicts = av4ms-server options = emptydirs backup = etc/open-av4ms/av4server.conf backup = etc/open-av4ms/ backup = etc/logrotate.d/av4server source = open-av4ms::git+ source = arch-adaption.patch source = open-av4ms.install sha256sums = SKIP sha256sums = ee58fc4f947f307dbb1e424809ee691acb68391af6be8369286dae8fc08e234d sha256sums = 01760fc8c5b37a86c4b37f48923bde6aaad302a94161f84bb253671d613beaf3 pkgname = open-av4ms-git