# Generated by makepkg 4.2.0 # Mon Jan 19 01:28:34 UTC 2015 pkgbase = otf-inconsolata-lgc pkgdesc = Monospace font for pretty code listings and for the terminal, with Cyrillic and Greek support. pkgver = 1.12 pkgrel = 3 url = http://github.com/MihailJP/Inconsolata-LGC install = otf-inconsolata-lgc.install arch = any license = custom:OFL depends = fontconfig source = http://bohoomil.com/src/inconsolata-lgc.tar.bz2 source = http://bohoomil.com/src/inconsolata-lgc.tar.bz2.sig source = 45-inconsolata-lgc.conf source = 90-non-tt-inconsolata-lgc.conf sha1sums = 933f0cf5d0f55e2e8211cb85a4698f6229573908 sha1sums = SKIP sha1sums = 58a5c6d496ab66eb9a26b8625b6f2e6a491320a4 sha1sums = 8b44fe50ceff3063acfefeafe8f1963f9fa97fc5 pkgname = otf-inconsolata-lgc