pkgbase = pass-ssh
	pkgdesc = A pass extension that creates ssh keys with an automatically generated passphrases stored in pass and outputs the public key using fzf or rofi
	pkgver = 0.2
	pkgrel = 1
	url =
	arch = any
	license = GPL3
	depends = pass
	optdepends = rofi: Use rofi to present choices.
	optdepends = fzf: Use fzf to present choices.
	source =
	sha512sums = 78bd7ba96002e47515a577e3ca66a3722021ada0e83c4ccdcc1ef6a037f19515d34260bb9d3c32e343c3f262b3230339018fc8bb44492dc5b8531d3b879c0f46

pkgname = pass-ssh