pkgbase = platypush-git pkgdesc = A general-purpose, event-driven, plugin-based platform for automation-as-code pkgver = 1.1.1.r12.gc9daa037 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = any license = MIT makedepends = git depends = python depends = python-alembic depends = python-croniter depends = python-dateutil depends = python-docutils depends = python-flask depends = python-frozendict depends = python-magic depends = python-marshmallow depends = python-marshmallow-dataclass depends = python-pip depends = python-psutil depends = python-pytz depends = python-redis depends = python-requests depends = python-rsa depends = python-setuptools depends = python-sqlalchemy depends = python-tornado depends = python-websocket-client depends = python-websockets depends = python-wheel depends = python-yaml depends = python-zeroconf depends = redis depends = sudo optdepends = ffmpeg: Audio, streaming and several camera integrations optdepends = libtorrent: Support for torrent download optdepends = opencv: Support for cameras and image processing over the OpenCV integration optdepends = py-trello: Trello integration optdepends = python-aiohttp: SmartThings support optdepends = python-aioxmpp: XMPP support optdepends = python-bleak: Bluetooth low-energy devices support optdepends = python-bme280: Support for the BME280 digital sensor over I2C interface optdepends = python-deepspeech: Mozilla Deepspeech integration optdepends = python-defusedxml: RSS and DBus integration support optdepends = python-dropbox: Dropbox integration optdepends = python-feedparser: RSS integration support optdepends = python-google-api-python-client: Support for several Google integrations optdepends = python-google-cloud-texttospeech: Support for Google Cloud text-to-speech integration optdepends = python-google-cloud-translate: Support for the Google Translate integration optdepends = python-gpsd-git: Support for the GPS integration and several GPS devices optdepends = python-graphyte: Graphite integration optdepends = python-icalendar: Support for calendar integrations optdepends = python-imapclient: Mail integrations optdepends = python-irc: IRC integration optdepends = python-inotify: Support for filesystem monitoring integrations optdepends = python-kafka: Kafka integration support optdepends = python-keras: Tensorflow integration optdepends = python-kodi-json: Support for the Kodi integration optdepends = python-linode_api4: Linode cloud integration optdepends = python-matrix-nio: Matrix integration optdepends = python-mpd2: MPD/Mopidy integration support optdepends = python-mpv: mpv integration optdepends = python-ndeflib: NFC tags integration optdepends = python-nfcpy: NFC tags integration optdepends = python-nmap: nmap integration optdepends = python-numpy: Strongly advised for any camera, sound, voice or ML-based integration optdepends = python-oauth2client: Support for several Google integrations optdepends = python-paho-mqtt: MQTT integrations support optdepends = python-pandas: Tensorflow integration optdepends = python-paramiko: SSH support optdepends = python-phue: Philips Hue (and compatible) devices support optdepends = python-pillow: Support for several camera integrations and QR codes optdepends = python-plexapi: Support for the Plex integration optdepends = python-py-cpuinfo: System information plugin optdepends = python-pybluez: Bluetooth support optdepends = python-pychromecast: Chromecast support optdepends = python-pyclip: Clipboard integration optdepends = python-pycups: Printers integration optdepends = python-pydbus: DBus and Bluetooth integration optdepends = python-pylast: scrobbling support optdepends = python-pyotp: OTP support optdepends = python-pyscard: Support for the smart card integration optdepends = python-pyserial: Arduino/serial device support optdepends = python-qrcode: QR code integration optdepends = python-rpi-gpio: Support for GPIO integrations for Raspberry Pi (and compatible) devices optdepends = python-rtmidi: MIDI integration optdepends = python-snowboy: Snowboy integration optdepends = python-sounddevice: Sound integration optdepends = python-telegram-bot: Telegram integration optdepends = python-tensorflow: Tensorflow integration optdepends = python-todoist-python: Todoist integration optdepends = python-twilio: Twilio integration optdepends = python-vlc: VLC integration optdepends = python-watchdog: File monitor support optdepends = python-weasyprint: PDF generation support optdepends = pyzbar: QR code and barcodes integration optdepends = yt-dlp: Support for downloading/streaming YouTube videos, as well as other video platforms provides = platypush conflicts = platypush options = !strip backup = etc/platypush/config.yaml source = master.tar.gz:: sha256sums = SKIP pkgname = platypush-git