pkgbase = prezto-git pkgdesc = Instantly Awesome Zsh. A configuration framework for Zsh that comes with modules, enriching the command line interface environment with sane defaults, aliases, functions, auto completion, and prompt themes. pkgver = r1426.6f9c166 pkgrel = 1 url = install = install arch = any license = MIT makedepends = git makedepends = coreutils makedepends = sed depends = zsh>=4.3.10 backup = etc/zsh/zlogin backup = etc/zsh/zlogout backup = etc/zsh/zpreztorc backup = etc/zsh/zshenv backup = etc/zsh/zshrc source = git:// source = install md5sums = SKIP md5sums = 32c84ec04a6fa7bde49da86aec822906 pkgname = prezto-git