pkgbase = proton-ge-custom-legacy-bin pkgdesc = A fancy custom distribution of Valves Proton with various patches - legacy branch pkgver = 4.21_GE_2 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = x86_64 license = BSD license = LGPL license = zlib license = MIT license = MPL license = custom depends = python depends = vulkan-icd-loader optdepends = python-cef: splash dialog support optdepends = zenity: splash dialog support optdepends = steam: use proton with steam like intended optdepends = lib32-vulkan-icd-loader: dxvk dependency for 32bit prefixes optdepends = vulkan-driver: actually have a vulkan driver installed optdepends = linux-fsync: a kernel with futex-wait-multiple support optdepends = linux-zen: a kernel with futex-wait-multiple support optdepends = linux-pf: a kernel with futex-wait-multiple support optdepends = winetricks: protonfixes backend - highly recommended optdepends = wine: support for 32bit prefixes optdepends = xboxdrv: gamepad driver service needed for Warframe options = !strip backup = usr/share/steam/compatibilitytools.d/proton-ge-custom-legacy/ source = proton-ge-custom-legacy-4.21-GE-2.tar.gz:: source = supplementary.tar.zst md5sums = 19c4163bad6d868ce7990f258369a4c6 md5sums = 163a246988a7f40d920ecbf0ef4c4cc8 pkgname = proton-ge-custom-legacy-bin