pkgbase = protonfixes-git pkgdesc = A module for applying fixes at runtime to unsupported games with Steam Proton without changing game installation files - git version pkgver = 1.0.15.r128.gc121a1d pkgrel = 1 url = arch = any license = BSD makedepends = git makedepends = python-setuptools optdepends = wine: win32 proton prefix support optdepends = winetricks: winetricks support optdepends = python-cef: splash progress dialog - deprecated optdepends = python-kivy: splash progress dialog optdepends = kdialog: splash progress dialog optdepends = zenity: splash progress dialog provides = protonfixes conflicts = protonfixes source = protonfixes-git::git+ md5sums = SKIP pkgname = protonfixes-git