pkgbase = python-distributed pkgdesc = Python library for distributed computing pkgver = 2.6.0 pkgrel = 1 url = arch = any license = BSD depends = python>=3.5 depends = python-click>=6.6 depends = python-cloudpickle>=0.2.2 depends = python-dask>=2.5.2 depends = python-msgpack depends = python-psutil>=5.0 depends = python-sortedcontainers>2.0.1 depends = python-tblib depends = python-toolz>=0.7.4 depends = python-tornado>=5 depends = python-zict>=0.1.3 depends = python-yaml optdepends = python-joblib: Joblib integration optdepends = python-pandas: Pandas integration optdepends = python-numpy: NumPy integration optdepends = python-bokeh: Interactive visualisation of scheduler tasks optdepends = python-pyzmq: Asynchronous messaging with ZeroMQ optdepends = python-ipykernel: IPython integration for computing and debugging optdepends = python-prometheus_client: Prometheus integration for monitoring and alerting optdepends = python-keras: Support for the Keras deep learning library optdepends = python-lz4: LZ4 compression of messages optdepends = python-netcdf4: Support for netCDF4 data files optdepends = python-numba: JIT compilation of code optdepends = python-h5py: Support for the HDF5 binary data format optdepends = python-asyncssh: Computing cluster using SSH communication optdepends = python-pytorch: Support for tensors and dynamic neural networks optdepends = python-ipywidgets: Extra widgets in diagnostic pages source = 2.6.0.tar.gz:: sha256sums = 2b3e602047cc72f44533b6ad7533943c57e908a5dbfa0dd37e116125948f98ff pkgname = python-distributed