pkgbase = python-ehforwarderbot-git pkgdesc = An extensible message tunneling chat bot framework. Delivers messages to and from multiple platforms and remotely control your accounts. pkgver = r388.690be0d pkgrel = 1 url = install = ehforwarderbot.install arch = any groups = efb license = AGPL-3 makedepends = git depends = python-ruamel-yaml depends = python-asciimatics depends = python-cjkwrap depends = python-typing-extensions provides = python-ehforwarderbot conflicts = python-ehforwarderbot source = python-ehforwarderbot::git+ source = ehforwarderbot@.service md5sums = SKIP md5sums = e5acd5cc51ffb0ff891d56c9fa7dcb10 pkgname = python-ehforwarderbot-git